Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunshine is one of the 7 elements of happiness and health.Go outside and enjoy it.Your body and well being will appreciate it !

  • Being outside in the sun makes you feel good - and is really good for your health! Let’s face it – we all love it when the winter is over and the warm sunshine comes around again and turning your face to the sun makes you feel a whole lot better.

  • This is because sunlight triggers an increase in the feel-good brain chemical serotonin. Serotonin controls sleep patterns, body temperature and your sex drive, and also lifts your mood and wards off depression.


  • The feel-good effects of sunlight starts in the brain. When light enters your eyes, it not only goes to our visual center enabling us to see; it also goes to the brain's hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger and thirst, water balance and blood pressure. It links the nervous system to the endocrine system. 

  • Additionally, it controls the body's master gland, the pituitary, which secretes many essential hormones. The hypothalamus initiates the body's stress response, affects our emotions and controls immune functions. Significantly, our "body clock" is also located in tiny centers in the hypothalamus. 

  • Our body clock-controlled circadian rhythms are the 24 hour cycles of light and darkness. These light-sensitive rhythms are biological, imposed upon us by Mother Nature.

  • So, anything that disrupts these rhythms (like inadequate sunlight) has a far-reaching impact on our body's ability to function properly. 

  • Sunlight also triggers the body to make its own vitamin D, which is crucial to health. Vitamin D not only makes strong bones and healthy teeth, but it keeps the immune system working.

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