Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Homemade Foot Soak

For Christmas Jason & Brevin made amazing bath salts which we love love love.   Ali has been experiencing some tingling in her feet lately and so I decided to do some research for homemade foot soaks.   After lots of reading I found some that I’m really pleased with…..you know there is nothing like a relaxing foot soak at the end of a long day. 

This promises to be relaxing, soothing, a great detox, and and will release a great deal of stress.  

Here is what you will need:
  • 1 C.Epsom Salt
  • 1 C. Baking Soda
  • ⅓ C. Sea Salt
  • ⅓ C. Redmond Clay
Mix together the ingredients in a Quart jar. When you’re ready for your foot soak pour 1/4 C. of the mix into a tub of hot water (as hot as you can get without burning yourself). I like to put it into a small tub that just my feet fit it. Here’s the topper! Essential Oils! Add 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil to the water.
The feet help the rest of your body feel good or bad. If you have sore feet, then you don't tend to walk tall, you slouch and you tire very easy. By soaking them, you will feel better quickly.
Keep soaking them until the water has cooled off, or at least 10 to 15 minutes. Then pat them dry, no need to rinse them. You skin will feel great.
Suggestions for your needs:
  • Metal Cleanse – Cilantro
  • Relaxing – Lavender, Serenity, or Balance
  • Rejuvenating – Peppermint, Deep Blue, AromaTouch
  • Candida Cleanse – Melaleuca
  • Uplifting – Citrus Bliss, Elevation, Wild Orange
  • Neuropathy – Balance, Basil, Cypress, Marjoram
You will get a instant "ahhhhh" feel. The aroma off the warm water of those oils will calm you, and you will start to instantly relax. Nothing like having a warm soak, to rejuvenate not only your feet, but your body and soul.
**The Key to success is consistency….who wouldn’t love a relaxing foot bath every night!  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 2014 to each of you !!! Hope this year will bring you superb things.

A couple thoughts I would like to share

Don't be diverted from your path to excellence. Don't be perverted by mediocre fashion styles. Don't be fooled by the stupidity around you (mass media ). Real , unconditional love is an answer , but also to realized that we aren't born to be or become mediocre , but to excel in this life. We truly can make the difference if we act upon knowledge and true love. Live your life with Abundance : abundance of unconditional love for you and others , abundance of desire to learn more and abundance of passion for things.