Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The properties of flax seed , another Abundance Living Food ingredient.

-Flax Fights Diabetes - Nutritionists are instructing their diabetic patients to eat flax daily. It has been discovered that the omega-3 fat and high fiber in flax may play a role in the fight against diabetes. 

-Flax Fights Constipation - Flax is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber.

-Flax Fights Inflammation - Flax is high in Omega 3 essential fatty acids. That’s good news for people who suffer from inflammatory disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis.

-Flax Fights Menopausal Symptoms - Hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, moodiness…ah, the joys of menopause. Can flax really help? Yes it can!

-Flax fights Heart Disease -Flax has been found to help reduce total cholesterol, LDL levels (the bad cholesterol), triglycerides. Flax helps to reduce clotting time and thereby reduces the chance for heart attacks and strokes. Regular intake of flax protects against arrhythmias and helps keep the arteries clear and pliable!

-Flax fights “The Blues” Preliminary research suggests that eating a diet rich in flax could slash your risk of ever feeling “down in the dumps”.

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